Monday, November 17, 2008

Thank God; The Election's Over!!!

Well, kinda...depends which state you live in, seeing as there are still contests being counted in Alaska, Minnesota, Georgia, and Missouri. But, the 24-hour worrying, the constant news and poll checking, the constant loop of MSNBC is being retired. Or at least I'm weaning myself away from it all. Because let's face it: we won!

Obama won! There is a feeling of optimism in the air. I'm feeling it, at least, and I'm going to use it to uplift me and help me become more active in my own life. That includes writing on this webpage some more. Over the last few days, I got my first comment from a reader! A really nice, albeit short, comment, but it is much appreciated.

Now that the election is over, I'm going to focus on watching many more films than usual. I am going to make it my duty to write a reaction, whether long or short comments, to everything I see for at least one year. That is my new goal. The next few posts may be short stabs at a couple movies I've seen in the last month and a half. I've also finished books on/by Slash, and Juliana Hatfield, which I may post about later (probably in conjunction with the release of The Chinese Democracy, which comes out in...less than a week).

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