Monday, March 30, 2009

Posting Initiative

Yeah. Okay. So the posting has become infrequent. Sorry about that. Not that I have any readers (do I?). I've had one comment (thanks) and one spam (uh...thanks?).

And it's not that I haven't written because I haven't watched any movies. I have. A lot. But sometimes I just feel like I have only bits and pieces to say about them. Writing a blog seems like I'm committing the end-all-be-all to the criticism world.

But, that's not how I roll. I'm going to up the post-count here, but with smaller tidbits. I just need to warm up into this whole writing ABOUT movies thing.

It seems that AllMovieGuide has gone south (?) I know that the journalism world out there is crumbling. Which is a shame; there are many more knowledgeable film critics and writers that are losing their long-standing jobs and status to champion a small film.

Sure, this may lead to a more democratization of the popularity of film, no matter the size of (advertising) budget. Or maybe not. But that's a philosophical topic for another time.

I may not provide summaries from other sources any more. A writing exercise I will undertake is: I will try to provide a "logline" type summary for every film I write about. Then I will write my comments about the film. I think this will help me with coming up with succinct loglines, and it will be interesting to see how to boil already-existing films into such a summary.

I may start writing more about TV (because I watch a lot of it), and how I've been breaking down sit-com stories. That seems like a rather large agenda for someone who hasn't posted since January, doesn't it?

Well, hang tight.